In the time before time, ages before the gods came into being a single creature opened it's eyes to a universe all to itself. Nobody could ever know who created it and he'll never tell. There wasn't complete nothingness, there was an ever shrinking sphere of matter in the middle of its room. To amuse itself, he willed it to explode. The pieces formed stars and planets, some of which sprouted life. He thought to himself <I am everything and nothing all at once> In his mind, for some unknowable reason, he began to refer to himself as Nothing. Nothing, because it existed entirely of thought, didn't have what a mortal would call a sex, it probably would have thought of itself as male because it wouldn't be willing to stop and ask for directions if it was lost. With a wave of his thought forged hand he created the gods, somewhat lesser beings, to keep him company. They each formed their semi physical bodies to match their personalities. When Nothing tried to speak to them, they either couldn't hear him or simply chose not to listen. He turned his focus towards the planets that had formed. The ones that had started to sprout life became of great interest to him. He began to watch all of the creatures on all of the planets. He enjoyed helping the creatures change and adapt to fit their environments and diets. Finally, he sat down in a savanna and decided that he was finished. He looked around and wiped some theoretical sweat from his brow and said. "I suppose It's good enough for now." He looked across the savanna once again, everything was in its place, the lions lied in the shade, a pack of elephants plodded towards a stream in which a hippo stood mostly submerged. He stood up and stormed towards the hippo and said "What are you doing in the water?" The hippo looked up at him and, without a moment's hesitation said, very matter-of- factly, "it's hot." "I don't care if you're hot! Look at yourself, you're a land animal!" "Not anymore." The hippo smirked in the way that only a hippo can. "You can't even swim!" Nothing was starting to get annoyed now. "I'll walk on the bottom." Its voice demonstrated it's resoluteness. Nothing reached into the water and grabbed the hippo's sides in a grip tight enough to hold time still. He pulled with all of his remaining might but the hippo wouldn't budge. Nothing was too weak after creating everything and guiding it's existence. He dropped to one knee and planted his shoulder into the hippo's side and pushed with his legs in another vein attempt to move it. His imaginary muscles strained like steel cables under his somewhat existent skin. Once again the hippo didn't move more than an inch. The hippo looked down at the exhausted Nothing and said "are you done?" Nothing stood up and dusted himself off. "Alright, I suppose you can stay in the-." He rushed the hippo and lifted with all of his strength. This time the hippo was hoisted an inch above the floor of the stream. Nothing lost his balance and fell forward. When the dirt on the stream bed finally settled, the hippo had moved a total of thirteen inches. Nothing stood once again and began to walk away. "Well I'm not giving you gills!" "I don't need em, I can just stand up to get air if I'm in deep water." The hippo smiled happily to its self. Since that day, no one, neither man nor god nor beast saw Nothing ever again.
Avalon Avalon Publication (December 2001) |