This is a timeline for the story order. Now you can look which stories came before and after what stories. I tried to put them in order of what happened in the past and what is currently happening. The stories in the beginning are in the past. The stories that are towards the end are in the present. The timeline is current. However as stories come in, it may not stay current. i will do my best. |------------------------|----------------------------- In the Beginning How The Seasons Came to Be |-----------------------------|------------------------ Sun and Moon: Night and Day How The North Got Its Just Desserts |-------------------------|------------------|--------- From Two Different Worlds A New Beginning Constances Wonderland |-----------|---------|----------------|-------------| First Love The War Altheai Summers A Beginning Vilage Bonfire Night |----------|--------|---------|------------------------ On the Road Airpool Meetings An Unexpected Visitor |---------------|----------------------| Tenar Goldflame Tenar Goldflame ch 2 Tenar Goldflame ch 3 |--------------|-----------------------|--------------- Faye Bluewater Tenar Goldflame ch 4 Not Agagain |-------------|------------|-------------------| The Newcomer Underworld The Journey Begins Rain Seduction: Two Shells |-------------------------------|---------------| A Seashell Tale: Ocean of Love Lifes Lessons Free Day |-----------------------|------------| Darkness of the Queen Crimson Sun
Avalon |