Enter subhead content here Constance De'Beir is a Nino Oro. This race derived from the elven race but with a few changes. About three thousand years ago, a sorcerer by the name of Talis wanted to create his own race. He randomly chose elves of all classes for his experiment. The experiment backfired and the elves' physical characteristics changed. The sorcerer ran off leaving the new race to fend for themselves. A Nino Oro can range from five feet to six feet tall. They are mostly muscular and have golden-colored skin. They have elven ears and human eyes. Unlike elves, they are immune to the affects of iron. After the sorcerer left, the ancestors founded the land of Avalon. Constance's great grandfather was their first king. Constance has long brown hair and brown eyes. She is 5ft, 8 inches and 150 lbs. She is lean and muscular. She is 250 years old. Cast of Characters |