Contributor's Guidelines Here I'll include a list of issues I'd like writers and artists who want to contribute to my e-zine to keep in mind. For example, I might include: I am looking for stories or poems. 1)You can have up to two characters. 2)You can have twins but you must alternate the twin characters per story. 3)You can have them be mortal or immortals. 4) the setting is medival with mytholical gods/goddesses society. You may use the deities already established or create your own. If you wish to create your own. I need a character sheet describing: character's name, description, alignment, and speciality. 5) You are required to write at least one story per issue. The issues come out every other month. 6) You have to keep your stories in the setting. There is room for development in this setting. If you are not sure about something, ask me. If you have any questions, email me and i will be glad to help you. |