Lady I love animals. I have had many pets. I have had three dogs and tons of hamsters and gerbils. I don't have my hamsters and gerbils anymore. My first pet was a collie named Lady. She was 14 years old when she died two years ago. She died of a heart attack.:( I loved her very much. She used to climb on the couch and eat out of the garbage. She was the most, gentle dog I had. You can pull her ears and play with her tail and she would never bite. One thing she used to do quite a bit was run away. My family used to call Lady, Houdini because she get out of the backyard all the time. I had to call the police a few times because she got loose. One time the police found Lady with a piece of french bread in her mouth.:) |  | Brutus We got Brutus before Lady died. Brutus is a miniture dachshund. He is three years old. We got Brutus from a breeder in Illinois near where I live. Each breed is different with its own personality. Brutus was boss when he was a puppy. I did some of the training myself to train him. Now Brutus has a playmate named Hunter, another dachshund. He is not the Alpha dog anymore.:) |